Reads and verifies NFC chips in electronic passports and similar ID documents
The ReadID demo app (previously known as NFC Passport Reader) reads and verifies the NFC chip embedded in electronic passports, national identity cards and other ICAO compliant identity documents (ePassport, or, in ICAO 9309 terminology, Machine Readable Travel Documents: MRTD). The app optically scans (OCR) the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) to gain access to the embedded chip. It then reads the embedded chip using NFC and displays the biographical and biometric information of the document holder, as well as document information, after which security checks, such as Active Authentication, Chip Authentication and Passive Authentication , are performed and detailed results are shown.The app also supports electronic driving licenses (eDL, ISO 18013, currently limited to Dutch driving licenses from after November 2014).FAQ AND MORE INFORMATIONPlease see our website for more information on how to use the ReadID demo app including FAQs ( provide the ReadID demo app free of charge to demonstrate and improve the underlying ReadID software. If you see opportunities to use ReadID, for example as part of the traditional border control inspection system use case or as part of innovative online use cases such as customer onboarding, then please contact us at
[email protected] version of the app is provided as-is and without warranty. The authors make no claims about fitness for any particular purpose. PRIVACYWe value your privacy and do not collect your personal information. For details, see our privacy statement LICENSES FOR OPEN SOURCE LIBRARIES USEDSee "About" in the app.Bug fix